Annual Meeting 2021 Meeting Notes

Conducted Via Zoom

Javier Armendariz called meeting to order at 7 pm. With households present and proxies, a quorum of households was present,

We could not confirm meeting minutes from the delayed 2020 annual HOA meeting since they were not available. Javier was going to try to locate them

The two open board positions are filled. Laurie Ramey will continue and Isaiah Pierce will fill the position being vacated by Gloria L Keesee

There was no new old business

New business
Jamie Cruz asked about the contract for common area maintenance. Javier indicated that we will be taking new bids at the end of this year (end of contract) since the service has not been as we expected.

Javier explained that we (HOA) are now responsible for total upkeep of the cluster mailboxes. We have replaced the 20 plus year old boxes and overall, everyone has been pleased with the new boxes.

Javier indicated that he does not expect an increase In HOA fees unless the landscaping bids are higher than expected. The results will be communicated by end of the year.

There was a brief discussion of the traffic flows as a result of the new apartments. There seems to be an issue with the renters turning left in front of ones turning right out of Wesley Mike Bowling indicated that the state had indicated that there would be some type of change but to date nothing has been done, Javier suggested that we contact the state since they would be ones making any changes

Meeting adjourned about 7:35 pm

Annual Meeting 2021

Dear Homeowner: 

We are writing to inform each resident that the Annual Meeting of the Association will be held on TuesdayApril 27th, 2021 at 7:00p.m..  The meeting will take place via Zoom. To log into the Virtual Meeting on April 27th, 2021 please follow the directions below:

Enter via Zoom browser or dial in at +1-301-715-8592            
Meeting ID: 841 9608 7721 then Passcode: 178737  The order of business for this meeting will be as follows:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Proof of Notice
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Nomination of Directors from the floor
  5. Election of two(2) members to the Board
  6. Unfinished Business
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment

To conduct business at the Annual Meeting, a quorum  by proxy, of 25% of unit owners is required.  In consideration of this and in accordance with Article IV, Section 7 of the By-Laws, a proxy form has been enclosed with this letter. If quorum is not obtained, an additional meeting will be held in accordance with 11-109.IV (1) of the Maryland Condominium Act. Please complete this form and return it to Residential Realty Group by April 27th, 2021.

We urge everyone to take an interest in your community and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, April 27th 2021.

Alexis Little, Managing Agent
On behalf of Willowood Neighborhood Association, Inc. 

Long Reach Village Center revitalization

The Howard County Council has pre-filed legislation to take the first step in rebuilding and reenergizing Long Reach Village Center. If passed, this will declare the commercial portion of the center an urban renewal area.  The intent is to revitalize the ailing center and create a thriving arts district. This renewed vision for Long Reach will increase vibrancy, vitality, security and a renewed sense of family for Long Reach.


Here are some important dates so that you may share your thoughts and engage with the Council.  Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will be held in the Banneker Room of the George Howard Building, 3430 Court House Drive in Ellicott City, MD.


·         Monday February 3, 2014 at 7:30pm:  Legislative Session.  The Council will formally introduce the bill (or resolution)


·         Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at 7:30pm:  Legislative Public Hearing.  Residents are provided an opportunity to provide testimony before the Council.


If you are unable to attend any of the sessions but still want to testify or stay informed, you can stream online at or email your testimony to


Here is the link to Resolution 22-2014, and the link to the article from the Baltimore Sun.,0,2624833.story